Don Robertson

Best Selling Chart Songs

(Don Robertson & Hal Blair)

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* Elvis Presley [Click to buy Elvis for Everyone] * & others *

 quotes  I usually made my demos in Hollywood at the famous Gold Star Studios with the legendary Stan Ross manning the board. I MET HER TODAY was an exception. I played and sang it live for the Aberbachs (Hill & Range Songs) in their offices in the Brill Building at 1650 Broadway in New York City (where many music publishers were located) and they wanted me to make a demo right away, so I went to a little studio nearby (just voice and piano as I recall). After 1960, I made some of my demos in Nashville. ChetAtkins once told me that my renditions were at their best when I played and sang at the same time - that I sounded different than when I overdubbed the vocals. I find it more demanding and harderto do, doing it at the same time, but if it sounds better I guess it's worth it.quotes

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All songs Administered by Warner Chappell Music Inc.